
Cabaret guests form 2025

Please complete this form if you are attending our Cabaret on Friday 4th April 2025.

(Taking part? You can find the participant form here)

Participation and guest tickets are by donation to our Claire’s Cabaret fundraising page for the Dog’s Trust and Macmillan, please make your donation here:

Please note, the bar will be not be open on this occasion, so you / your guests may bring your own snacks and drinks into the event. The showcase routines will be filmed and photographed, to allow sharing video/photos with family and friends who may not be able to attend on the day, these videos/photos may include some audience members. By attending the event, you consent to video clips and photos of the event being used by ‘en Joy dance fitness on social media, the website and for future class marketing. by submitting this form, you are confirming that you agree to the above terms. Thank you.

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